[image description: flyer with stock photo o sexy cop.] While trans women and gender nonconforming people of color are kidnapped, tortured, brutalized and murdered by the prison industrial complex, KINK.COM and SF PRIDE© have once again turned these genocidal practices into a cash-making joke. They mockingly invite people to “get arrested” and enjoy “Solitary confinement, showers, jailbreak, love and lust, freedom and confinement” at their “Prison of Love” Pride 2014 party. No honey, bye. While this year SF PRIDE©’s lavender-washing consultants have worked hard to hide their counterrevolutionary politics they forgot to cover-up the transphobic, racist, classist, and ableist violence of their beloved party, whoops! On June 28th as hordes of white gays dance the night away to the deep thump of domination, GAY SHAME calls on everyone to pull the fire alarms and shut this fucking shit down; because PRIDE© is a nightmare, prisons are not sexy, and boycotting is not enough. Join GAY SHAME and LAGAI - Queer Insurrection Saturday June 28th, 2014 10:00pm meet at 16th St. BART station 10:30pm march to the Armory (14th and Mission ST.) 11:00pm prisons will be abolished ALL ARE WELCOME (except cops) PRO-SEX ANTI-PRISON QUEERS FOR ABOLITION

An important message from StormMiguel Florez…

people protesting the prison themed gay pride rave at's 14th street and mission entrance with the massive "pro-sex anti-prison queers for abolition" banner in the background
[image description: pink day-of flyers.] PRO-SEX ANTI-PRISON QUEERS FOR ABOLITION While trans women and gender nonconforming people of color are kidnapped, tortured, brutalized and murdered by the prison industrial complex, KINK.COM and SF PRIDE© have once again turned these genocidal practices into a cash-making joke. They mockingly invite people to “get arrested” and enjoy “Solitary confinement, showers, jailbreak, love and lust, freedom and confinement” at their “Prison of Love” Pride 2014 party. No honey, bye. IF YOU DON'T KNOW NOW YOU DO. -2.5 million people are incarcerated in the U.S. -millions more are held in ice detention centers, juvenile facilities and psychiatric prisons. - transwomen of color are targeted and policed for the "crime" of existing. -the most dangerous people in the world are not in prisons, they are they people running the government, banks, courts and military. -we will collectively abolish this shit. GAY SHAME is a Virus in the System. We are committed to a queer extravaganza that brings direct action to astounding levels of theatricality. We will not be satisfied with a commercialized gay identity that denies the intrinsic links between queer struggle and challenging power. We seek nothing less than a new queer activism that foregrounds race, class, gender and sexuality, to counter the self-serving “values” of gay consumerism and the increasingly hypocritical left. We are dedicated to fighting the rabid assimilationist monster with a devastating mobilization of queer brilliance. GAY SHAME meets every Saturday at Modern Times 2919 24th street SF CA. All Are Welcome (except cops).
[image description: pile of buttons] pro-sex anti-prison queers for abolition
people gather for a press conference at the 16th street and mission BART
collage image of prison guard tower getting struck by lightning and pink triangles coming out with the words "break it down"
a crowd of folks gathered in front of the north side of the armory with banners while a projection on the wall reads "we will collectively abolish this shit"
a crowd with banners gather on the north side of the armory building with a projection that reads: "pro-sex anti-prison queers for abolition"
a crowd of folks gathered by the north face of the armory holding a banner with a projection on the wall reading "if you don't know, now you do --- trans women of color are targeted and policed for the "crime" of existing
two folks holding a banner reading "there are no prisons in a queer paradise"
cops securing the main public entrance of the valencia street mission police substation from the gathered crowd looking to unarrest their friends, while there is a "lgbt safe zone" sign with a rainbow sfpd police shield posted on the window in the foreground orders brutal police attack against trans and queer activists during SF Pride San Francisco's Mission District – Three trans and/or queerpeople of color remain in custody on trumped up charges following a protest against a prison-themed party. At least seven people were initially arrested including a National Lawyers' Guild Legal Observer; several protesters were clubbed, tackled, bloodied, and beaten after a protest numbering several hundred marched to the Armory at 14th and Mission Streets in the Mission District, from a 10 p.m. gathering at the 16th Street BART Station. Four of the arrestees have been released. According to witnesses a security guard followed the protestors back to 16th street and approximately 30 minutes after the protest ended began targeting people who were casually standing on the sidewalk getting ready to return home. The arrests and police violence were reportedly in retaliation for the night's protest. “Like the Stonewall rebellion 45 years ago, last night’s attack reminds us how trans and queer people of color are criminalized and arrested for simply gathering in public space, like the 16th St. BART plaza,” said Mary Lou Ratchet, a Gay Shame ( representative. The march was organized by Gay Shame and LAGAI ( Organizers are asking supports to call both District Attorney George Gascón (4155531751) and Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi (4155547225) and demand their immediate release and that all charges against Rebecca Ruiz-Lichter, Prisca Carpenter, and Sarai Robles-Mendez are dropped.
2.5 MILLION OR MORE TO GO… Three queer and/or trans identified people of color remain were taken into custody on false charges after a protest against a prison-themed party June 28th. The protest was in response to “Prison of Love,” a circuit party that invited people to “get arrested” and enjoy “solitary confinement, showers, jailbreak, love and lust, freedom and confinement.” The protesters argued that the party was a crude event that profited off the promoters were mocking issues of prison rape and the violence of incarceration, which destroys the lives of countless trans and/or queer people, particularly trans women of color who are routinely targeted and criminalized by police. After a march to and a short rally, the march returned to the 16th Street plaza. While most had already left, a few remained making plans for dinner or heading home. Shortly before midnight, more police arrived enmasse accompanied by a security guard who was ordering the attack. At least one person had their head slammed to the concrete by four officers on top of them. Many others sustained bruises, cuts and large lacerations on their arms and legs from the wall of police that charged into the small group of people. Although in the wee hours of July 2nd, all three protesters were released, there’s still 2.5 million or more to go.
folks gathered at the 16th street bart station for a press conference holding a banner that reads: "hooray for lagai! we freed the gay shame 3!" while someone stands in the background holding a sign reading "prison ain't sexy"