an image of tech buses being swept by a giant broom "clean up the streets" -- gayshamesf.org
a pile of queers hate techies buttons
TECH - DEATH // no pride in sharing shenanigans - no pride in scott wiener - no pride in carnie asada - no pride in rainbow capitalism - no pride in upzoned evictions - no pride in settler colonialism - no pride in sro flipping - no pride in elon's lady - no pride in freemarket fantasies - no pride in sonja trauss - no pride in realtor drag - no pride in israeli occupation - no pride in diversifying i.c.e. - no pride in jump bikes - no pride in gavin newsom - no pride in cia feminism - no pride in impactful hubs - no pride in parade barricades - no pride in dropbox bros - no pride in street sweeps - no pride in art washing - no pride in corporate cooperation - no pride in luxe lofts - no pride in privatized parks - no pride in lean-in libertarians - no pride in lgbt cops - no pride in social entrepreneurs - no pride in all yimbys
a person operating a machine with sparks flying out with red text that reads: "nobody cares about your tech job - be courteous of others when in public and keep the feral careerism of your collegial banter on mute. or get mugged. we can hear you. -- gay shame: a virus in the system"
Dear Techies, if you got as angry about evictions, the murder of trans women of color, the colonization of Ohlone land, gentrification, the liquidation of black SF, houselessness, prosecutions of sex workers, the new SF jail, the police killing of Alex Nieto, HIV criminalization, real estate speculation, inaccessibility of BART, the police killing of Mario Woods, as you do about some balloons, then maybe you would not be so hated. (j/k you still would be) xoxo, Gay Shame
flyer of ron conway on a scooter wearing a willie brown mask with word balloons of a quote from willie brown may 18th 2018 san francisco chronicle "but the fact is that young people, especially younger women, are more comfortable on the scoots than a bike. you don't break a sweat, your clothes don't get ruffled, and you can ride in heels." laura foote clark is pictured laying next to willie/ron's word balloons as if presenting them with an arrow over her head labelled "30yo". there is also a diagram showing an anonymous individual with bolt cutters severing the brakeline on a scooter, with the onomatopoeia "snip!" followed by the exclamation "oops." GAY SHAME the virus in the system
Flyer: Brogrammers Off the Block: Attention all employees/lemmings of Airbnb, Apple, Doubledutch, Dropbox, Facebook, Google, SV Angels, Ron Conway, Scott Wiener, TechCrunch, Twitter, Uber, Yahoo! You are hereby advised to leave the Mission, your next warning will not be so polite. XO, Gay Shame. Border of binary code like 010100101010101010000001100101.